Close Encounters with Chuck Weiss
is a podcast I produced in 2015 at the studio of Mutiny Radio in San Francisco. It’s offered here with the Bumper Music and Public Service Announcements of the original broadcasts.
(CC) 2015 Chuck Weiss: Permission is granted under Creative Commons Copyright
to copy and distribute any of the “Close Encounters with Chuck Weiss” podcasts for
noncommercial use, provided nothing is omitted or altered, and proper attribution is given.
Historical Sighting of UFO & Aliens
Years ago while rummaging around the internet, I found a huge archive of reported UFO sightings throughout recorded history. They were a jumbled mess, and very difficult to read. I downloaded them all from a website that unfortunately has since been abandoned. I stowed them away, and really didn’t look at them, until now.
Because of the differences in formatting and some of the comments, they appeared to have been copied from an older source by five or six individuals. It took me two weeks to sort through them all, and reformat them into a single, readable form.
I’ve separated those sightings designated as “Project Blue Book Unknowns” from the rest, as well as sightings related to the 1952 “Invasion of Washington D.C.”
Project Blue Book’s methodology for evaluating UFO sightings was very strict, and in 1954 it was used to produce “Special Report #14,” the largest study of UFO sightings ever attempted (over 3,200 cases). The report found that 22 percent of ALL (emphasis mine) UFO sightings that the Air Force had investigated up to that point (from Projects: Sign, Grudge and Blue Book) were true “Unknowns,” real UFOs!
My archive of sightings is far from complete. I have only 1,471 to post here (out of an estimated historical total of over 11,000), with 387 of them being from Project Blue Book’s list of Unknowns.
For a detailed history of Project Blue Book and its “Special Report #14,” as well as a description of the “Washington D.C. Invasion” of 1952, listen to the first installment of my podcast, “Close Encounters with Chuck Weiss”.
— Chuck
ARTICLE – Look Magazine (June 14, 1955)
ARTICLE -Area 51 Guards Protest Low Wages/Overtime (AP)
BOOK – The Case for the UFO (Varo Edition) by M.K. Jessup
ESSAY – Space Alien Daemonialitas by Jacques Vallee
INTERVIEW – of Jacques Vallee by Jerome Clark 1978
LECTURE – The Case of the Flying Saucers by Manly Palmer Hall
(with Space or UFO/Alien Themes)
The following ls a list of books I suggest you read if you wish to learn more about the subject of UFOs and the presence of Aliens on Earth. I also include a short summery as to why I recommended each of them. The list is copied from the Appendix of my book, “Abducted by Aliens,” and offered here separately so you don’t have to download the book just to get my list.
(CC) 2008 Chuck Weiss: Permission is granted under Creative Commons Copyright
to copy and distribute my “Recommended Reading” list for noncommercial use,
provided nothing is omitted or altered, and proper attribution is given.