Entries by Chuck Weiss

Remembering My Grandmother, Happy

My grandmother, Rowena, Wilma, Henrietta Menn, was born in Joplin, Missouri sometime in the latter part of the first decade of the Twentieth Century. Her childhood friends called her Happy, because she was always “Happy-go-Lucky.” The name stuck, and she carried it with her throughout her life.

Growing up as a Baby Boomer

I was born in 1947, two years after the end of World War II. I came of age in the 1960s, and matured in the ‘70s. It was a time of great political and cultural change, so this ramble will be something of a history lesson mixed with my personal memories of those bygone days.

Why We Need Old People

As I write this, I’m 76 years old. I like to say that I’m an “old guy with a memory.” I lead the Baby-Boom generation having been born in 1947, just two years after the end of World War II.

Our family was the first in the neighborhood to have a TV set, when only two hours of programing a day was broadcast at 8 o’clock at night, well past my bedtime. I remember being allowed to stay up late one night when the first half hour of TV was going to be cartoons!